Download Broken CEO by Emma Spencer (.ePUB)

Broken CEO by Emma Spencer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 355 kB
Overview: Who’s the anonymous protector I’ve fallen for over texting?
Oh crap ….
He could be my new eye-candy billionaire boss.

Just a wrong phone number and Adam and I were connected over our recent heartbreaks.
It started innocently, bonding and asking about each other’s day.
Then I found myself giggling at my phone.
It’s normal for your heart to flutter after a text, right?

We weren’t even sexting!

But when I interviewed with Mr. CEO hunk Carter, my crush got complicated.
Texting Adam stirs my imagination and makes him the star of scandalous daydreams.
But when I’m standing in front of Mr. Carter and his eyes rake over my body, I wish he’d use his hands instead.

Who am I supposed to choose—
The invisible mystery man on my phone who talks like the perfect guy…
Or the too-tempting-to-resist billionaire who turns me shameless for his touch?

But maybe I won’t have to choose after all, when I discover my new boss’s true identity.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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