Download Breakfast Ideas for Any Time of The Day! by Ivy Hope (.ePUB)+

Breakfast Ideas for Any Time of The Day!: An Inspiring Cookbook Made Just for You by Ivy Hope
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 23 MB
Overview: In this cookbook, more than ever, we will thrive to propose some unique and delicious breakfast ideas. You are in for a treat!

Breakfast has been known as the most important meal of the day since we can remember. That is what our mothers said to us in our whole childhood anyway. That is what our grandmothers reinforced to their children as they would head off to school, walking long distances and carrying their bags without access to school buses.

Although we support anyone to eat a meal or a light breakfast before heading off to school or work, we do not encourage you to eat a heavy one every day of the week. You do not need to eat a late one loaded with bacon, eggs, and roasted potatoes. Try to make a conscient effort to vary your breakfast and save the more complete breakfast ideas for a weekend, when you have more time to prepare the meals and more time to burn their calories after you eat them. Also, during weekends, you often combine breakfast and lunch to make it a brunch as you might sleep in longer.

In this book, we will also take you on a trip around the world. We will educate you on what other countries are normally cooking for breakfast. It will be interesting, and you can also adapt some of your breakfast to reflect the cultures, using their special produce and spices or creating your own from there.

Let us start the day on the right foot and start cooking breakfast for the whole family.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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