Download Braymore Academy series by Jordyn LeFay (.ePUB)

Braymore Academy series by Jordyn LeFay (#1,3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1006 KB
Overview: Jordyn LeFay…Queen of sexy shorts!

Jordyn LeFay is a full time novelist who keeps busy writing, and wrangling a 30 pound leopard she calls Kitty…or rather a 3 pound kitty she calls Leopard. Jordyn spends her days writing short stories that sizzle, and her nights researching them. She lives in the Northeast with her handsome husband, her cutie-patootie son… and her overly active imagination.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


Braymore Academy Year 0.5 (#1)
Some people are destined for greatness…and then there’s me.

I’ve never minded my lack of paranormal abilities because my family provides more than enough drama to keep things interesting. Living a life of anonymity has its challenges when your parents are infamous Warlocks. And escaping to my mundane job at the cafe is supposed to be my safe space until I can get my college plans sorted and have normal life. One that’s free from magic.

But when three exceptionally hot guys crash into my world, everything is flipped upside down.

Suddenly, I’m seeing things that may or may not be there, and feeling things I couldn’t possibly feel…like a searing desire for all three of them…and a sense that I’ve met them all before.

My destiny doesn’t include sinfully sexy guys and a paranormal college…

So why is the invitation so hard to resist?

Braymore Academy Year 2 (#3)

Those were the words they’d used to describe the three guys I’d given my body, heart, and soul to. Their vibrant lives reduced to empty words on a parchment program, cindered to ash the moment the service was finished.

The rest of Braymore’s student body went back to their normal lives… only, my life has never been normal. My relentless need to bring them back from the dead was as close to normal as it came.

But necromancy comes at a cost, and when I’m the one being hunted, it would be reckless to ignore those costs. Dante, Jonas, Ty… they were all I had, and I might not have felt so responsible for restoring their lives if I wasn’t convinced that I was the reason theirs ended.

Time was literally running out, and so were my options here at Braymore Academy. They’d taken everything and everyone from me. Darkness was closing in us, but before I could let that happen, there was one thing I had left that was still mine to give…

My life.

Only question is, would it be enough?

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