Download Bots Against US by Alan W Silberberg (.ePUB)

Bots Against US: The Ongoing Information War Against The United States by Alan W Silberberg
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: The election of 2016 was NOT normal. The interactions between all of us were being manipulated, and thus we were all being manipulated in ways obvious and overt, and also obtuse and covert.The information warfare attacks and psychological operations (psyops) conducted against the United States in 2016 were just one part of a years long, intensive set of cyber war attacks, that started long before the 2016 Election, and is continuing today, in 2019. Written by internationally known cyber security Expert, Alan W. Silberberg; “Bots Against US” serves as both a capture of the events witnessed and documented by him, as documented in his contemporaneous live twitter feed and other writings.The book delves into the attack on the DNC (attacks) and the subsequent close relationships between the Trump campaign and Russia. However, it also goes into detail about future election security needs, and prospects for future attacks. The author discusses computational propaganda, cyber war, information warfare, and the use of bot armies to manipulate public perceptions both on social media platforms, TV + radio and in person. The author proposes national standards for election security for the United States, as well as stronger local and state level integration with existing security forces to ensure a theft of an election never occurs again; and that hostile foreign countries are not allowed to interfere again in Elections
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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