Download Bob Burke Series by William F. Brown (.ePUB)

Bob Burke Series by William F. Brown (5-7)
Requirements: epub reader, 3 mb
Overview: A native of Chicago, I received a BA from The University of Illinois in History and Russian Area studies, and a Master’s in City Planning. I served as a Company Commander in the US Army in Vietnam and became active in local and regional politics.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller


5. Burke’s Mandarin – A Chinese spymaster in DC stealing US Special Ops war plans, a nest of Chinese agents inside Fort Bragg, a Chinese Navy task force headed into the South China Sea to create mischief, and they just shot up Bob Burke’s new pickup truck! Trouble’s brewing in Sherwood Forest, and it isn’t a pot of green tea.
Kidnappings, rockets, spies, naval battles on the high seas, military secrets, sniper rifles, and the Geeks! It’s the most intricate, and exciting Bob Burke action-adventure yet. Grab one and Enjoy!
Mild-mannered and slight of build, this telecommunications company executive is often dismissed as the "telephone guy." But after four tours running ‘special operations’ missions in Iraq and in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan as an Army Ranger and Delta Force commander, he’s one of the most lethal weapons the US government ever produced.
A young Chinese American Army Captain’s family is under Beijing’s thumb and there’s little the Army or the FBI can do about it. But when The Ghost gets the call, he and ‘Ace’ Randall don’t hesitate to help. Time to bring out the Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles, turn The Geeks loose, and call in some Delta pals from Fort Bragg. This time, a possible world war is is building in the South Pacific and it wouldn’t be fair to leave The Merry Men out of the fun, would it?

6. Burke’s Rescue – Bullets, Bombs, Drones, and still more Mayhem! The all new, Bob Burke action thriller #6
He’s “the Ghost,” a former Army Ranger and Delta Force Commander. Mild-mannered and slight of build, this telecommunications company executive is often dismissed as the "telephone guy," but that can be a big mistake. He’s one of the most lethal killers the US Government has ever produced, and if you kidnap one of his old friends, whether that’s in Chicago, Miami, Moscow, Armenia, or Azerbaijan, he’s coming to get him out. Then, he’s coming to get you. And he’s not coming alone.
With Bombs going off outside the Moscow Central police Station, another bomb outside the front door of Sherwood Forest, and Bob Burke’s Russian Army pal, Colonel Volodya Rostov kidnapped while on a goodwill mission to war-torn Armenia, someone has some explaining to do, even if he lives in the Kremlin, and payback is always a bitch!

7. Burke’s Machete – Bob Burke and his Merry Men take on the Mexican Fentanyl Drug Cartels in sunny Mexico, and it ain’t for the Tacos and Cerveza!
He blew up their headquarters and put their Hefe in jail. Now, they’ve snatched his wife and they want him. What’s next? Pay Back! He’s coming to get them. And he’s not coming alone.
Mild-mannered and slight of build, this telecommunications company executive is often dismissed as the "telephone guy," but that can be a big mistake.
After four tours running ‘special operations’ missions in Iraq and the rugged mountains of Afghanistan, this Army Ranger and Delta Force commander, is one of the most lethal killers the US government has ever produced.

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