Download Blessed Hearts by SF Benson (.ePUB)

Blessed Hearts by SF Benson (Hearts Duology #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 653 kB
Overview: He went to Hell…for her.

Cash Martin, tattoo artist and incubus, doesn’t do relationships. Until he meets a djinniyah on the run from an arranged marriage. She’s passing through town when she runs into the one creature she abhors—an incubus.

When someone starts mutilating humans in Falls Creek, suspicion falls on Qadira. Cash provides an alibi and a spark is ignited. The situation becomes complicated when he must travel to Hell to rescue her.

Cash may have put his soul on the line for Qadira, but will he give her his heart?

Blessed Hearts is a New Adult standalone in the Hearts Duology.
Genre: Fiction > Romance New Adult


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