Download Bleeding the Little Lambs by James Crawford (.ePUB)

Bleeding the Little Lambs by James Crawford (Alexa Hernandez #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 402 KB
Overview: Innocent people are dying. The forces of evil are getting out of line and somebody needs to kick some asses and take some names. That’s Alexa’s job.

Alexa Hernandez is a Knight of the Right Hand. She stands between you and the forces of evil who corrupt your soul and think that you’d make a yummy appetizer. The Sword of Final Banishment is at her side. Angels who won’t speak English are watching over her, and her mother is being nosy from thousands of miles away.

Alexa’s got this, even if demons and darkness take her work personally. She can hunt them, but they’ll return the favor.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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