Download Black-Bloods and Vampire Keepers by Amy DeMeritt (.ePUB)

Black-Bloods and Vampire Keepers by Amy DeMeritt (Hawthorn’s Revolution #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 430 KB
Overview: Sabine didn’t choose her immortality. She had it brutally forced upon her nearly two-hundred years ago. She was ripped out of her happy, peaceful life, and turned into a bloodthirsty assassin.

Life in a vampire coven is designed to shred your humanity, rid you of your morals, and turn you into the ultimate killing machine. And it was that transformation that allowed Sabine to gain her freedom. She has been on the run for fifty years, hiding in the shadows, and trying to do her part to rid the world of the monsters seeking to harm the innocent, whether they’re among her own kin, humans, or werewolves.

But when she kills two vampires to save a human, she has to try to outrun the most powerful coven in the city. When she finds herself cornered, she receives help from a creature she never even knew existed.

Sabine and Elena choose to trust each other and flee the city together. But with rumors of war stirring up tensions between vampires and werewolves, they’ll have to fight to remain free. Blood will be shed. Things will be blown up. And the harrowing battles and their similarly painful pasts will bond them like they’ve never experienced.

And they’ll need that bond to navigate Hawthorn, the most powerful vampire society in the world.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF, Paranormal


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