Download Bio Dungeon: Parasyte by Jeffrey Falcon Logue (.ePUB)

Bio Dungeon: Parasyte (The Body’s Dungeon Book 2) by Jeffrey Falcon Logue, Jonathan Brooks
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.2MB
Overview: A malevolent presence lies in wait without their knowledge….

After a hard-fought battle in the heart, Progen has defeated the agents of the entity that wants to destroy the body he is determined to control. It was a temporary defeat, however, as the entity retreated up into the body’s brain, safely entrenched behind the blood-brain barrier that is preventing the dungeon crystal from accessing the coveted home base of the central nervous system. As he further establishes his control over the different systems that he can access, a grievous wound to the body creates a problem that could spell the end of his objective.

With the Thieves’ Guild basically destroyed by the Adventurer’s Guild in Graniton, thanks to help from the thief-turned-adventurer, Marstin Hardgrove, his prospects were only looking up. Having established himself as a trustworthy addition to the Guild, it didn’t take long before he was asked to join numerous adventuring teams as they tackled different quests. However, a disturbing discovery towards the north, where the tribes cultivate their Ice Caribou, will lead to a situation where Marstin’s friends are treated with suspicion back home. Worse than that, the old prejudices against thieves and former thieves come back to haunt him.

With hidden enemies preying on them from the shadows of anonymity, will Progen and Marstin be able to stop these vicious parasites from snatching away the lives they are striving towards?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Download Instructions: (Links updated on 21st February 2021. Thanks to Keithcat1)

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