Download Between the Models by Mia Masters (.ePUB)

Between the Models by Mia Masters
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 339 kb
Overview: I’m their agent. Mixing business with pleasure could ruin my career.

But these models like to be in charge and I just can’t say no.

Emily, my cousin, begs me to represent three male models,

These guys are muscular, hot, and rugged,

However, they are also the biggest jerks in the business.

Just by taking them on, I could lose my job.

Not wanting to say no to my cousin, I agree to give them a chance: As long as they behave.

Caden, Aaron, and Sebastian are charmers.

And they are desperate to get their reputation’s fixed.

But during our first shoot they are out of control.

I thought they were in a relationship, but it turns they want me too.

Will the attention of three men, cause me to lose my head enough to wreck everything I’ve worked for? Or will the four of us be the start of something bigger?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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