Download Become a Freelance Writer by Francielle Silva (.ePUB)+

Become a Freelance Writer With No Experience And Charge Premium Rates: An Exclusive Step-by-Step Guide For Copywriters & Content Writers by Francielle Silva
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 20 Mb
Overview: Making a living at home…

…or travelling is the dream of the freelancer.

Would you like to learn how to be a highly-paid copywriter?

Francielle Silva went to work every day for a lawyer. As his assistant, the work needed to be precise, and each day was stressful. Still, she liked her boss, but it wasn’t how she wanted to spend her life. She wanted to become a digital nomad.

The pandemic hit, and the world stopped.

She took a bold step.

It changed her life.

The copywriting led to coaching and helping others because she found she had a knack for getting clients. The strategies you’ll find in this book helped her first student build a steady 5-figure business.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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