Download Be Happier in One Hour by D.E. Hardesty (.ePUB)

Be Happier in One Hour: Enjoy Better Relationships, Better Health, More Success and a Longer Life by D.E. Hardesty
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: This books teaches you how to be happier in one hour, so that you can start enjoying better relationships, better health, more success and a longer life, all from learning how to be happier. This books shows you how you can be happier right now, without anything else changing in your life.

This is the second book by D.E. Hardesty, author of Finding Your Power to Be Happy: Seven Practices to Bring Unconditional Happiness into Your Life. In this book, the author reduces his seven practices for happiness into a book that can read in an hour. Included in this book are simple exercises to start these practices immediately. At the end of an hour, anyone who reads this book and tries the exercises can be happier.

The premise of this book, and his first book, is that happiness is natural to us. It is already inside of us waiting to be released. We only have to turn our attention to it. Like a light switch, we only have to learn to turn it on, and keep it turned on.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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