Download Battle of Lindly by Bear Pardun (.ePUB)

Battle of Lindly (Pantheon of Tyranny Book 1) by Bear Pardun
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Overview: In the world of Latera, where three sibling gods, Eu’ok, Asmolor and Malakas seek to manifest their own power through the pons of their creation, peace has been prevailing between the two brothers for too long. While they dine in the heavens, below a battle is brewing…
Victus, a commander of Lindly, has been investigating a cult operating in the shadows of the city ever since sweet Desa’s murder some 36 years ago. Back then, Victus was still on track to become a Caedes Paladin under Arch Johnathan Skylighter. Sixteen years after the Delwan massacre wherein he set aside his own life ambitions to raise a baby found after the battle, he finds himself with enough evidence to convince of the city’s leaders dabbling in Eu’ok’s cult.
Today, Victus and his son, Aris Tin set out on their yearly pilgrimage to a ceremony honoring their loved ones who have passed. For Aris it is a special time to honor his parents, who died in the massacre when he was an infant. However it is more special this year than years past as Aris is deemed an official squire at only sixteen years old. Among friends and foes, the days will prove more difficult than they expect when the cult makes a move against Lindly and against Asmolor.
Would you stand against tyranny when everything tells you to flee?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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