Download Baby for the Billionaire Series by Melody Anne (.ePUB)

Baby for the Billionaire Series by Melody Anne (Book 2-5)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Melody has had a passion for writing since she was a little girl. Her first book was written at around the age of ten, and it was about a handsome prince Charming rescuing his princess and taking her away to his castle to live happily ever after. She continued to write through her teenage years, but never with the expectation to ever publish anything. Around 2007 Melody realized that she had finished her first full manuscript, and looked at it in awe. She had around a hundred books started on her computer, but had never finished one before. She was so ecstatic about her accomplishment that she jumped in to work on another book. She finished five books in a three year period, and then started thinking about possibly publishing those books.
Genre: Romance

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2. The Tycoon’s Vacation
This is the second book in the Baby for the Billionaire series. Drew Titan decides it is time to take a vacation at one of his exotic resorts, and ends up literally running into Trinity Mathews while he is surfing. They end up having a steamy romance over the week long vacation, until she finds out he is the resorts owner, and had lied to her. She has sworn off all business men, since she couldn’t seem to find one who knew how to remain faithful to her, which is what landed her at the resort in the first place. She goes back home to discover that her first impulsive thing she has done in her life has left her pregnant and alone, that is until Drew finds her and will not go away until she agrees to marry him. Come enjoy the adventures Drew and Trinity take together in this fun filled story that has love, passion, fighting, and making up. Drew’s cousins Derek and Ryan add humor and even more love to the adventure, and will leave you wanting a hunk of your own.

3. The Tycoon’s Proposal
Nicole Lander has no choice but to contact Ryan Titan, the boy she had deeply loved when she was a teenager. Her sister was in desperate need of a heart operation, or she wouldn’t live more than six months. Nicole lied to Ryan when they were teen’s because she hadn’t wanted him to find out about the abuse she was going through from her father.
When Ryan gets the phone call from Nicole, needing his help, he’s ecstatic. He’d finally get to exact his revenge for her leaving him for not being good enough for her. He’ll help her sister but Nicole will also give him what he wants. The problem is that he’s never felt about any other woman the way he feels about Nicole, and his revenge quickly turns into him wanting to walk her down the aisle.

4. The Tycoon’s Secret
Damien Whitfield lost his father when he was an infant, and then lost his mother when he was a young teenager. The only thing his mother left him was a thirst for vengeance. On her deathbed she made him promise to seek revenge for those she held responsible for her death.
Damien grows up fast and conquers the business world, going from a homeless boy to a billionaire bachelor. He has no time for love in his quest for righting wrongs of the past. What he doesn’t know is that love isn’t something he can hide from.
Sierra grew up with a monster of a father after losing her mother at the tender age of six. Her dad punishes her for sins he assumes his deceased wife made against him. Finally, her father does a business deal with Damien Whitfield, selling Sierra to the highest bidder.
Damien and Sierra may both be running from old demon’s and forging ahead to what they think are their perfect futures, but fate has a way of changing everything. Take the journey with Damien and Sierra as they fight a passion that won’t be denied.

5. The Lost Tycoon
Fighting to survive, Mystic Elton takes one look at the man standing in front of her and knows she needs to make a decision – does she want to live? Discovering that her boyfriend is storing enough drugs to supply a small country, she looks for an escape route. He’s standing in the doorway – standing in the way of her freedom.
Mystic has nothing left – no family, no friends, no one she can rely on. She is all alone and frightened. Managing to get past her ex, she flees, running to the other side of the country, landing in Seattle, she changes her appearance, her name, her life.
After a year, she begins to feel safe. Her ex won’t find her. She’s beginning to pick up the pieces of her once shattered existence and carve out a new world for herself.
That is, until a tall, well-dressed man shows up at her job and tells her they need to talk – and he knows her real name. Fleeing to get away from him, she rushes to the back room and grabs her Taser. When she hits him with it, she thinks she’s home free.
She’s not.
All Mystic has done is really tick off Bryson Winchester, and all he’s trying to do is help her by getting her scum of an ex off the streets.
Mystic has a choice to make. Is this a man she can believe in? Is any man worthy of her precious trust? She’ll find the answers, though they may not be what she expects or wants – her entire world is about to be turned upside down, because not only will she find there are some men out there worth trusting – she will find out the secret of her birth – the reality of who she really is.
Some things should stay in the past – and others… Other things will come back with a vengeance.

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