Download Autoimmune Cookbook by Louise Hendon (.ePUB)+

Autoimmune Cookbook: Real Food Recipes For The Autoimmune Paleo Protocol by Ancestral Chef: 50+ Delicious Recipes Designed Specifically to Heal Autoimmune Disorders by Louise Hendon
Requirements: ePUB & MOBI Reader 2 MB, 2014
Overview: An Autoimmune Cookbook That Makes Cooking and Healing Simple and Fun
I don’t need to tell you that having an autoimmune disease can be both tough and frustrating. I have personally dealt with my own autoimmune disorder for many years. And yet…There’s a Better Way.
In the Autoimmune Cookbook, I’ll show you recipes that are easy to make and won’t leave you stuck in the kitchen for hours on end. They’re 100% Autoimmune Paleo compliant. And – best of all – they’re delicious and have been taste-tested over and over again.
Simple 4-Step Guide to Healing Autoimmune Diseases
In addition to irresistible recipes, the Autoimmune Cookbook also contains an entire chapter on my simple 4-step guide to healing an autoimmune disease through dietary changes. This approach cuts straight to the most important changes you’ll need to make to your diet and lifestyle.
However, my approach also details how to start adding foods back to your diet and how to eat as many delicious foods as possible, all while healing your body. It’s not an easy decision to completely overhaul what you eat, and my goal is to make that as easy and fun as possible for you!
Why The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol Works
Autoimmune diseases, although triggered by a variety of causes, are all very closely tied to the health of your digestive system. You see, your digestive system (particularly your small intestines) is tightly integrated with your immune system. So if you have leaky gut, if you’re not producing the proper enzymes, or if your gut bacteria are out of balance or out of control – any of these things can keep you from healing your autoimmune disease.
I’ve heard from hundreds of people from my website who have completely healed or dramatically improved their autoimmune diseases by using the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. There are never any guarantees, and everybody is unique, but what do you really have to lose by eating a clean, nutritious, and non-toxic diet that is also delicious?
Faster, Easier, and Better Recipes Make This Autoimmune Cookbook Different
Genre: Non-Fiction > Cooking


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