Download Aria’s Song series by Ariele Sieling (.ePUB)

Aria’s Song series by Ariele Sieling (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.9 MB
Overview: Ariele Sieling is a Pennsylvania-based writer who enjoys books, the open sky, and trees. Well over a decade ago, she graduated from Monroe Community College with an Associates in Liberal Arts, and from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill with a Bachelors degree in Interpersonal and Organization Communication with a minor in Comparative Literature. Prior to becoming a full-time writer, she worked first in curriculum development in the non-profit sector, then in corporate marketing.

She writes in a wide range of genres from science fiction to fantasy to fairytale retellings to post-apocalypses. She also writes non-fiction under A. J. Sieling, including books on writing and publishing, as well as essays on various topics that interest her.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Aria (#1)
There’s only one thing I know for sure: I have to save my mother.

I’ve been on my own for as long as I can remember—separated from my family, living in orphanages and homeless shelters, and trying to cobble together some version of security. Now, I work at a tavern, eat scraps for dinner, and squat in somebody’s basement. The world outside is chaotic, with upcoming elections making our leadership unstable, technology changing at a pace that defies comprehension, and people with magic in their ancestry protesting their treatment by the government.

But it’s the most stable my life has ever been, and I’m almost, dare I say it, happy.

Everything changes when Finn walks into the tavern. He’s searching for an android murderer, and I get it—technology tends to break when I get too close. But it’s not me.

I might know I’m not who he’s looking for, but he disagrees—which I discover when he tracks me to the basement where I live. But when the party upstairs crashes through the floor, I’m scooped up by the mysterious force that has kept me safe my whole life, and I’m back on the run again.

But this time, I’m being hunted.

I know I’ll do whatever it takes to survive. After all, my mother’s life depends on it.

Fugue (#2)
I’m in hiding again—but at least I’m not alone.

After our narrow escape, Silas and I are forced to hunker down in a small town called Strait Water on the Tirin Continent. I get another job at a restaurant, and we do our best to stay under the radar. Meanwhile, Finn is working with Gary and Lenna to figure out the best way to face Galen head on.

Everything is going great, until the neighbor boy crashes his bike. Who’s there to catch him? Me.

When his powers suddenly awaken, Silas and I know we need to get out of Strait Water fast. We hitch a ride to a small town outside the Caliginous Mountains, only to run into two of Finn’s security guards: Tiny and Henry. We split into two groups, and Tiny leads me to a mysterious portal in the woods, which opens into a long-dead magical city.

Tiny swears this is the best chance I have at safety, but the deeper we go, the clearer it becomes that there is a lot more going on in Thistle City than meets the eye.

It doesn’t take me long to realize that safety is just an illusion, and the only chance I have of getting out of here alive is learning to use my powers—or die trying.

Opus (#3)
I don’t want to hide anymore, but I have no choice.

After fleeing Thistle City, I decide to take refuge in the wilderness, far from civilization. The best thing for everyone is if I simply disappear. But part of me knows that’s not the right answer, and Finn, Gary, and Silas certainly don’t agree. Not to mention, no matter where I go, Galen is going to find me. I know it as surely as I’ve known anything.

When Gary shows up at my hideout, soaking wet and steaming mad, I realize that something has to give. I’m reluctant to leave the comfort of the outdoor life I’ve made, but a threatening message from Galen catapults me out of hiding.

“I’ve found your mother,” he says. He could be lying, but do I want to risk it?

I have to rescue her, at all costs. But the chaotic world hasn’t gotten any less chaotic, with protestors and counter-protestors clogging the streets, and politics riling up the masses. Not to mention, my power has a mind of its own, and everywhere I go, it gets in my way. If I don’t figure out how to get it under control, it could cost me everything: Finn, Silas, my mother—even my own life.

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