Download Arachnapocalypse! The Anthology by CW Hawes (.ePUB)

Arachnapocalypse! The Anthology (Arachnapocalypse! Universe) by JB Lettercast (Author), Justin Sloan (Author), CW Hawes
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 356 KB
Overview: The Arachnapocalypse! universe spans a significant chunk of time, starting when the Arachnids landed on Earth in 2018. Some of humanity manages to survive the arrival of the giant flying techno-spiders from space, but just barely. As the humans rebuild, new and wild dangers arise. This alternate timeline devolves into higher and higher stakes as the stories progress; from a body-possessing space-fungus to unhinged scientists to super-soldiers and even spider-loving cultists, there is something in this anthology for anyone who enjoys an excellent grimdark or sci-fi horror read!

Now, a word from the creator of the Arachnapocalypse! universe, JB Lettercast:

My name is JB Lettercast. Arachnapocalypse! The Anthology is my debut project, my literary baby. The creation of this universe came about in the winter of 2020. The pandemic was still in its early stages, and I had not written anything seriously in several months. As I began my work on a little one-shot story titled Violet Winter, I found that my writer’s block was starting to melt. As it turns out, I was using the creative process to begin coping with everything that changed in my life that year, as I’m sure you’ll see in my work.

As these things sometimes do, the Arachnapocalypse! universe turned into more than just a therapy piece. The further I went into the story, the more there was to reveal through my writing, and the more I had to get out on paper. Over the next year, more stories in this universe revealed themselves to me, and a timeline began to form. At first, I was going to publish a collection of four short stories titled Arachnapocalypse! toward the end of 2021.

But then an idea came to me. I really liked the thought of other people playing around in this little world I built. I reached out to some other authors and invited them to work on the project with me, with a goal publication date of October 2022. I couldn’t offer them much, not even royalties. But the concept was exciting enough that I got a few takers, and we set to work getting the timeline fleshed out through the art of short storytelling.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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