Download Apocalypse Rising by J. A. Bouma (.ePUB)

Apocalypse Rising by J. A. Bouma (Ichthus Chronicles: Season 2 #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 349 KB
Overview: The year is AD 2124. Apostasy has bloomed throughout Ichthus, the remnant of future Christianity. Solterra Republic has launched a campaign of state-sponsored persecution against the Church. And a newly formed Resistance searches for a strategy of survival while one of their leaders is nowhere to be found.

Then the unthinkable happens: a global catastrophe that feels eerily like the last of the Seven Seals from the Book of Revelation has just been opened—ushering in the events leading to the Great Tribulation. The apocalypse.

But how, when the Church still remains on earth and Christians across Solterra are fighting for the faith in an underground Resistance? And if the apocalypse has dawn, what is Ichthus to do about it?

Finding those answers are a cast of characters all on a quest to answer one burning question: What is the average Christian to do when the final seal is opened and the seven trumpets of judgment are let loose?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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