Download Anxiety free, Drug Free by Renee Mill (.ePUB)

Anxiety free, Drug Free by Renee Mill
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 30MB | Retail
Overview: Anxiety Free, Drug Free is a complete guide and workbook to analyze and treat anxiety without the use of prescribed medication.
Author Renee Mill specialises in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), the gold standard of treating stress, anxiety and depression and has developed a 90-day, drug free program designed to literally rewire the brain, reinforcing positive thinking and emotional strength.

CBT is based on the premise that feelings and responses are determined by an individual’s perception of events, rather than the reality. As a Clinical Psychologist and Occupational Therapist with over 30 years of experience, Renee has seen just how crippling anxiety can be.

For example, an anxious patient might perceive a traffic jam, delaying them from an important meeting, as a severely stressful situation that will result in significant damage to their career. Another, who does not experience anxiety might simply pick up the phone, call ahead and inform that they will be a few minutes late.

Anxiety Free, Drug Free includes several diagrams, activities, planners and worksheets to teach anxiety sufferers the skills to calmly assess a situation, recognize and then challenge their automatic thought process and behavior. Based on the latest professional research, Renee presents her patients with the most useful and relevant information in practical and common sense terms.
Genre: Non-fiction | Health, Fitness & Medical


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