Download Amelia Fang series by Laura Ellen Anderson (.ePUB)

Amelia Fang series by Laura Ellen Anderson (Books 1 & 2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 203MB
Overview: Laura Ellen Anderson is the illustrator of several books for children, as well as the author-illustrator of the graphic novel Evil Emperor Penguin. Laura Ellen Anderson lives in London.
Genre: Fiction | Children’s > Middle Grade


1. Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball – Meet Amelia Fang.
She loves playing Goblin Tag, and cuddling her pet pumpkin, Squashy. She hates going to her mum and dad’s boring Barbaric Ball. Oh, and one more thing – Amelia is a vampire.
When the spoilt prince of Nocturnia captures Squashy, Amelia must plan a daring rescue. But things in the Kingdom of the Dark may not be all they seem…
Join Amelia on her first abominable adventure. She won’t bite!

2. Amelia Fang and the Unicorns of Glitteropolis – Amelia Fang is the biggest hearted vampiress you’ll ever meet. In this adventure, she and her friends Florence the yeti (DON’T CALL HER BEAST), Grimaldi the Death and Prince Tangine (reformed spoiled sprout), along with her pet pumpkin Squashy, must brave the journey to the terrifying Kingdom of the Light to try to find Tangine’s missing mother, Queen Fairyweather.
But with unicorns, fairies and angel-kittens lurking around every corner, who can they trust? And will they finally uncover the real villain keeping the kingdoms of Light and Dark as mortal enemies?
Join Amelia on her latest adventure. She won’t bite!

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