Download Alice Payne series (1-2) by Kate Heartfield (.ePUB)

Alice Payne (1-2) by Kate Heartfield
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.3mb
Overview: Kate Heartfield is a former newspaper editor and columnist in Ottawa, Canada. Her novels include the historical fantasy, Armed in Her Fashion, and her interactive novel for Choice of Games, The Road to Canterbury, inspired by the Canterbury Tales. Her short fiction has appeared in several magazines and anthologies.
Genre: Sci-Fi | Steampunk, Time Travel


#1. Alice Payne Arrives
A disillusioned major, a highwaywoman, and a war raging across time.

It’s 1788 and Alice Payne is the notorious highway robber, the Holy Ghost. Aided by her trusty automaton, Laverna, the Holy Ghost is feared by all who own a heavy purse.

It’s 1889 and Major Prudence Zuniga is once again attempting to change history—to save history—but seventy attempts later she’s still no closer to her goal.

It’s 2016 and . . . well, the less said about 2016 the better!

But in 2020 the Farmers and the Guides are locked in battle; time is their battleground, and the world is their prize. Only something new can change the course of the war. Or someone new.

Little did they know, but they’ve all been waiting until Alice Payne arrives.

#2. Alice Payne Rides
After abducting Arthur of Brittany from his own time in 1203, thereby creating the mystery that partly prompted the visit in the first place, Alice and her team discover that they have inadvertently brought the smallpox virus back to 1780 with them.

Searching for a future vaccine, Prudence finds that the various factions in the future time war intend to use the crisis to their own advantage.

Can the team prevent an international pandemic across time, and put history back on its tracks? At least until the next battle in the time war…

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