Download Against All Odds Series by Kels Barnholdt (.ePUB)

Against All Odds Series by Kels Barnholdt (Book #3 & #4)
Requirements: ePUB readers, 454 KB
Overview: Kelsey Barnholdt is the younger sister of author Lauren Barnholdt. She was born in Syracuse New York and has loved to read ever since she was little. She had success with her first novella, What’s Meant to Be, in 2011. She currently lives in CT where she spends a lot of time creating stories she hopes inspire people.
Genre: Fiction, Romance, Young Adult

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Caught Up In You (Against All Odds #3)
Victoria’s life is a mess. Sure, she’s finally home from the wellness center, a boot camp she was forced into for troubled teens, but things aren’t all rainbows and butterflies.
For starters, she’s not even allowed to go home. Instead, she’s living with her aunt; her aunt who she just now knows even exists. Not to mention she has a new therapist she has to try and figure out. Oh, and one other little thing… she can’t tell anyone the truth about where she’s been.
Especially not the one person she wants to tell the most; Nathan. Her stepbrother Nathan. Sexy, perfect, beautiful Nathan. It’s hard, but Victoria knows it’s what’s best. Only… how long can the heart really fight what it wants? Find out in Caught Up In You.

NOTE: Caught Up In You is the third book in Kels Barnholdt’s series Against All Odds. However, the other two books do not need to be read in order to understand the third. Caught Up In You is for a mature YA audience.

Crash Into You (Against All Odds #4)
Victoria’s life is a complete disaster. Not only is she living a lie since she got released from the wellness center, a boot-camp for troubled teens, but she also has to stay away from the one person she cares about more than anyone, her stepbrother Nathan. Nathan, the one person in the world she happens to be completely and totally obsessed with.
Victoria feels like she’s gotten way to comfortable keeping her stories straight, and going through the motions of her fake life. But you can only live a lie for so long before the truth catches up with you. And once it does, will Victoria be able to save the one guy she cares about the most?
**Crash Into You is for a mature YA audience due to strong sexual content and language.***

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Book #1:
Book #2:

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