Download After the Storm by Cheryllynn Dyess (.ePUB)+

After the Storm by Cheryllynn Dyess (Gifted and Special Adolescents Hospital #1)
Requirements: .ePUB/AZW3 Reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Bec was never far from trouble, usually she was the one starting it. All her life she struggled against abuser after abuser until she found herself among others like her and together two of them decided to make a change. Teens with special abilities found alliances in the least likely place, a mental hospital, where they decided to change their future and determine their own fate. Bec’s decision was to get out and get even. She could make her demons suffer from the damage they caused, or she could let them continue to destroy her. She chose the former.

There are trigger topics mentioned in this story such as child abuse, domestic abuse, and sexual assault. The mentions do NOT go into any gory details or recount the exact abuse – bare minimal mentions to make the storyline flow.

Genre: Romance, Fantasy


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