Download After The Apocalypse Season 1 Box Set by Warren Hately (.ePUB)

After The Apocalypse Season 1 Box Set by Warren Hately (#1-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 552 KB
Overview: Warren lives in Margaret River, Western Australia, working as a journalist and newspaper editor. He’s worked as a freelance travel writer, photographer, philosopher, musician, theatre roustabout, security detail, and academic. He holds a doctorate in English and Comparative Literature for his dissertation The Discourse of Conflict, which reworked post-Foucauldian semiotics to examine the bias towards language-like models in the resolution of conflict (with the case study of the 1981 prison conflict in Northern Ireland). He also has an English with First Class Honours in post-structuralist theory and cultural studies focused on the work of French philosopher Michel Foucault.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Zombies


Resurrection (Book 1)
Five years after the Rise of the Furies, the walking dead are dying out. Bites don’t infect . . . but anyone who dies, turns. Skilled outdoorsman Tom Vanicek wants a future for the two children he’s protected so fiercely through five years of living hell. When rumors reach them about reconstruction efforts in the decaying ruins of Columbus, Ohio, the family make the dangerous overland trek for the chance to begin again. But political alliances, secret factions, doomsday cultists, and other ruthless survivors mean life in a broken city of more than 60,000 traumatized and desperate souls may prove even more dangerous than surviving in the wild.

Reconstruction (Book 2)
Five years after the Rise of the Furies, the walking dead are dying out. Bites don’t infect . . . but anyone who dies, turns. Skilled outdoorsman Tom Vanicek wants a future for the two children he’s protected so fiercely through five years of living hell. Now a part of the reconstruction efforts in the decaying ruins of Columbus, Ohio, the Vanicek family see the risks (and the rewards) of their new life. Tom tries to keep his head down so he and his children can get ahead. But danger’s never far away . . . and Tom’s done playing it safe.

Resurgence (Book 3)
Five years after the Rise of the Furies, the walking dead are dying out. Bites don’t infect . . . but anyone who dies, turns. Skilled outdoorsman Tom Vanicek wants a future for the two children he’s protected so fiercely through five years of living hell. Now a part of the reconstruction efforts in the decaying ruins of Columbus, Ohio, the Vanicek family see the risks (and the rewards) of their new life. Tom tries to keep to himself so he and his children can get ahead. But a dangerous plot soon throws the City into chaos . . . and for Tom, the only way to stay safe is to face those risks head on.

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