Download Adopted By Humans series by Robert Butler (.ePUB)

Adopted By Humans series by Robert Butler (2-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 600kb
Overview: An alien anthropology student travels to Earth intending to study humans for his doctoral thesis. Like any good alien of science he is aware that whatever you study, you change.

But what he was not expecting was that what he studied would change him even more, and alter the very destinies of two worlds in the very best of ways.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Adopted By Humans II
Just when I thought I was safe from deportation, I wasn’t. Earth wasn’t looking to get rid of me. My homeworld wasn’t trying to pull me back. But of course there is no force on Earth or Dlamias that is quite like the power of angry academics on the loneliest planet. The center of learning and the symbol of a peace and unity that was more fragile than anyone wanted to admit…and I… their student, had proved myself a disruptive element, shaking the table on which a delicate house of cards sat that might tumble at any moment.

I had to prove my worth, the value of my work, and that adding a new species to the galactic chorus was a greater opportunity than it was a danger. But if you want the truth that lies at the heart of this volume, all I was really doing it for was to stay with my humans, the peace of the galaxy? Rising to the top of my field of study? To me, these things were merely icing on the cake.

It may sound strange, but that’s how you inevitably feel after you’re adopted by humans.
My one true regret… that I really had no idea what kind of allies were coming my way.

Adopted By Humans III
What can anyone say about meeting a sibling you’ve forgotten that you even have? What do you say when they come to you for help? I didn’t have any idea, that’s for sure. Bau’s arrival so soon after my recent victory in securing a long term stay on Earth, was nothing if not disruptive. Or so I thought at the time, but I had no idea how right I really was, ‘disruptive’ did not begin to cover it.

Chaotic? Mad? Dangerous? All seemed better words. Bau’s plea for help was not for her, but for ‘her humans’. The surviving remnants of the people who once lived in Chicago, a forgotten people who lived in an irradiated waste, forgotten by the larger world that assumed nothing and nobody lived there. But the government of Earth could not have been more wrong.

There were people there, people unlike any on Earth, hybrids who adapted to the radiation in unexpected ways, and who now needed help to survive. Our help. My help. I wasn’t very happy about it, not at the start… but by the end of this narration you will understand why I would not trade that experience for anything on either world.

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