Download A Winters Tale: The Wreck of the Florizel by Cassie Brown (.ePUB)

A Winters Tale: The Wreck of the Florizel by Cassie Brown
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.3MB
Overview: “A tale of shipwreck to rival that of the Titanic in excitement and suspense.”

Quill and Quire

It was a snowy, stormy night, that February 23, 1918, when the sturdy S.S. Florizel steamed out of St. John’s harbour, bound for Halifax and New York. Just before dawn, over nine hours after leaving port, Captain Martin ran his ship full steam onto the rocks just north of Cape Race. Cassie Brown retells in chilling detail the story of the wreck, the rescue, and the enquiry that followed. And she proposes, for the first time, the real reason for this senseless disaster. Cassie Brown was a Newfoundlander, born and bred. She is now considered one of Newfoundland’s most respected authors. Canadian author, Newfoundland and Labrador, Atlantic Canada, history, biography, sailing, naval disaster.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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