Download A Time to Every Purpose by Ian Andrew (.ePUB)+

A Time to Every Purpose by Ian Andrew
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.8mb
Overview: Leigh Wilson, the preeminent scientist of her generation, has invented a way to look back into time. Banned from using it for anything more than investigative purposes by a brutal regime that fears its power, she complies in the face of insurmountable odds. But the world is changing and in the aftermath of a vicious murder Leigh now faces her ultimate dilemma. Can she muster the courage to act and reset her reality?

A Time to Every Purpose is a fast moving thriller with amazing twists and turns that grips you through to its final, unexpected climax. A groundbreaking, cross-genre thriller from an exciting new author.
Genre: Fiction > Fantasy – Alternate History


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