Download A Summer of War by Lynn Mason (.ePUB)+

A Summer of War by Lynn Mason
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.0MB | Retail
Overview: Journalist Chris McKenna would do anything to cover the Vietnam War. If there’s one thing she knows, it’s that she was born to tell this story.

Chris rolls into South Vietnam intent on sniffing out the overlooked stories of America’s most unpopular war. Much to the dismay of the military establishment, she hops a Huey to a remote base in the Mekong Delta and hits the motherlode. A mission both tactically and strategically questionable. Inept junior officers more concerned about image than protecting the troops they lead. A platoon of grunts taking fire from all sides.

Through jungle patrols and firefights, amidst the chaos and the comedy that is the war in Vietnam, Chris earns the respect and affection of a squad of men who have nothing to lose by telling it like it is.

But as the pressure from her editor mounts, as journalistic competition descends on the Delta, as Chris reckons with the consequences of the choices that led her to Vietnam, she discovers how hard it is to separate the story she was born to tell from the story she was born to live.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics | Historical


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