Download A ‘Small’ Adventure with Shemale Officer Downe by N. Wilson (.ePUB)+

A ‘Small’ Adventure with Shemale Officer Downe by N. Wilson
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 158 kb
Overview: Rick finally, after all those years, managed to land himself a girlfriend! It was simple really, just develop the relationship further before she discovers his ‘little’ secret and it won’t matter! At least, that’s what he thought. It turns out that it’s just made her angry. So angry, in fact, that he hasn’t heard from her for a while. Now Rick is alone on a Friday night with nothing to do – until he gets an unexpected visit from an incredibly under-dressed cop. Apparently she’s received a tip that he’s concealing a ‘small weapon’ and needs to search him, though soon Rick discovers that Officer Downe Onyaknees is no officer at all – and she happens to be concealing a rather large weapon of her own.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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