Download A Reunion to Remember by Alba Wells (.ePUB)

A Reunion to Remember by Alba Wells (Albany Lakes Series Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 171 kb
Overview: Two women, two different lives…In High School they kissed. Fate pulled them apart, but twenty-one years later, they meet again. Has time dampened their feelings?

A small town romance with a bit of spice.

Samantha, a newly divorced Elementary School Principal. Cassie, a well-known gay actor now living in London with the connection and electricity that separated them all those years ago. Sam lives under the rules of the roles she perceives to constrain her. Cassie lives life to the full.

Is being a principal in a small town more important than living a true life? What can Cassie offer that would make Sam realise that there’s more to life?
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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