Download A Reticule for Scandal by Cecilia Rene (.ePUB)

A Reticule for Scandal by Cecilia Rene
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 362 KB
Overview: Ambrose Fitzwilliam, Earl of Killingworth, is burdened by a cursed title – and debts that threatens his very existence. Desperate for redemption, he turns to the one man who can absolve him: The Prince Regent himself. But the Prince’s offer comes with a price – retrieve a reticule from a mysterious woman, and all Fitz’s family debts will vanish. Unwilling to refuse, Fitz embarks on a journey that leads him straight into his darkest memories. The path to redemption takes Fitz to Brighton, a place he swore never to return to. There, he comes face to face with the woman who shattered his heart five long years ago – Miss Patience Grant.
Ruined by scandal and cast out from Brighton’s society, Patience Grant seeks a fresh start. Her chance lies in a pact with Maria Fitzherbert, the Prince Regent’s first wife. Delivering a reticule to a stranger could be Patience’s chance at a new life as a teacher. Dedicated to empowering young women, she gladly accepts the task.
But as Fitz and Patience reunite, long-buried secrets resurface, threatening to tear them apart once more. With their past entangled in a sinister plot, they must choose whether to walk separate paths or stand together. As their hearts and futures hang in the balance, the allure of their undeniable connection cannot be ignored.

Will Fitz and Patience defy the odds and find solace in each other’s arms? Or will the shadows of their history eclipse any chance at a future together?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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