Download A New Chapter by Tymber Dalton (.ePUB)

A New Chapter by Tymber Dalton (Suncoast Society #91)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 785 kb
Overview: Rom finally has his happily ever after with the sweet, handsome, snuggle puppy of his dreams. He’s looking forward to spending his future with Colton, and is especially anticipating their honeymoon week…with no interruptions.

With Rom’s love to help heal his soul, Colton thinks he’s finally managed to put his past and the pain of his parents’ emotional abuse and abandonment behind him. Having Rom as his husband, Master, and partner for life, Colton knows he can handle anything.

But a knock on their door one afternoon interrupts their honeymoon and sends their lives spinning sideways as a shocking and heartbreaking development from the past intrudes on their perfection. Can their relationship handle the strain of unexpected revelations and responsibilities they never dreamed possible? Or will this new chapter in their lives tear them apart?
Genre: Fiction > Erotic MM


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