Download A Needful Heart by J. M. Madden (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

A Needful Heart by J. M. Madden
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 431 Kb
Overview: Matt Calvin has watched Gina’s beautiful behind sway up and down the doctor’s office hallway once a month for four long years, and it’s time to do something about his fascination. He’s not relationship material, but he doesn’t expect it to get that far. He just wants to talk to her, man to woman, and put himself out of his misery once and for all. Things never go as planned, though, and when fantasy crashes and burns into reality, Gina pays the price.
Gina doesn’t blame Matt for her injury, but she is appreciative when he steps into her crazy life to help out. Proximity fires sudden attraction between them and Gina can’t believe she’s overlooked the sexy carpenter for this long. Tattooed and intimidating, he’s not the type she’s normally drawn to, but something about him tugs at her heartstrings.
When an explosive situation develops and they have to save a little boy, Matt loses control of his tightly held anger. Though his heart aches, Matt walks away, both for Gina’s safety and his own sanity. It’s up to Gina to convince him love can heal any heartache.
Genre: Romance


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