Download A Most Unlikely Hero series by Brandon Varnell (.ePUB)

A Most Unlikely Hero series by Brandon Varnell (#1,7-8)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.28 MB
Overview: Brandon Varnell is a writer. The end. Just kidding.
Brandon Varnell is the author of several book series, all of which involve anime-inspired fanservice. Having been an anime nerd for basically his whole life, his books tend to reflect that. He likes writing stories with loads of T&A, shonen-style battle scenes, and steamy romances that are both light-hearted and erotic. He is also a huge fan of harem anime, so most of his books feature harem romances.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Vol. 1
Being a hero isn’t a walk on Mars!
Alexander S. Ryker dreams of becoming a hero, but dreams are hard to achieve when you’ve caused several million credits worth of property damage. Being expelled from the Mars Police Academy isn’t helping his case. Crushed, Alex encounters a girl named Gabrielle Angelise in a meeting that will change his life forever. Gabrielle is an alien! She’s also on the run. Alex wonders if this is the chance that he’s been waiting for, the chance to finally become a hero. Opportunities like this don’t come often, or ever, and so Alex steps up to protect Gabrielle and make his dream a reality. He will become a hero—if the strain from living with an alien bombshell doesn’t kill him first!

Vol. 7
The Hero Goes Intergalactic!
Alex Ryker has finally accepted not only Gabrielle’s feelings for him, but also his own unusual lust for her—and the other women surrounding him. But just because he’s learned to accept who he is and how he feels doesn’t mean the problems have ended. Alex’s would-be-rival and Gabrielle’s sort-of-childhood-friend, Arthur, has a problem on his hands. His siblings have decided he isn’t fit for the throne and have sought to overthrow him with a rebellion, while he was away trying to woo Gabrielle for her hand in marriage. Alex, Gabrielle, and Nyx must travel with Arthur to another solar system entirely and help him stop a war.

Vol. 8
Not Quite the Triumphant Return He Expected.
Alex has returned to Mars alongside Gabrielle and Nyx, but there are many problems he must face now that he is back. Jasmine hasn’t been seen at school for the last several days and Kazekiri has been acting withdrawn. Alex has no idea what is happening, but he knows something is wrong, and if he doesn’t want to lose two of the people he has grown to love, then he’ll need to find out what’s going on and how to fix it.

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