Download A Fated Vow by Amanda Aggie (.ePUB)

A Fated Vow by Amanda Aggie (Of Death & Starlight Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 7 mb
Overview: As the only living child of the Elf Lord, I’m set to inherit the Elven Islands.

That is until I’m forced to wed Vanderlyth’s most notorious sack of potatoes, and we set sail to confess our love before the King and Queen of the Seven Realms.

Our ship was attacked, and my good-for-nothing betrothed sailed off in the only lifeboat, leaving me to drown. All I know is I wash up on the mainland. Everyone back in the islands believes I’m dead and suddenly, I don’t have to marry Mr. Sack of Potatoes. I don’t have to be the pretty girl on his arm.

All is well in my world until a mysterious, hauntingly flirtatious man shows up to the abandoned castle I’ve decided to call home. Knife to my throat, he demands to know why I’m trespassing on his lands.

Let’s not get hasty, folks. The brooding, scarred, handsome as sin demon lord is no ‘knight in shining armor.’ He’s a villain who can reanimate the dead. He’s the very thing nightmares are made from, but something about him is more alluring than I’m willing to admit.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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