Download A Drug Called You series 1-3 by Miss Candice (.ePUB)

A Drug Called You series 1-3 by Miss Candice
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.4mb
Overview: For as long as Miss Candice could remember, writing has been her passion. In the beginning, she wrote poetry. Later on in life, when she was about thirteen years old, she was introduced to fanfiction.

The Coldest Winter Ever was the first urban fiction book she read. It wast then when she took Fanfiction to another level. She perfected her writing skills, and began to write Urban fanfiction. At first, writing was something she did in her spare time. Something that was therapeutic to her. Never in a million years, did she think she would become a published author, although it has always been a dream of hers.

Now, at the age of twenty-eight, she’s penned over ten bestselling novels with many more to come.
Genre: Fiction > Romance
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#1 A Drug Called You 1
Life as Violet McClain knows it changes unexpectedly when she’s introduced to a new drug in town—Calvetti ‘Prodigy’ Germaine. Prodigy and his little brother Trouble’s arrival to the small town of Rosebury MI takes the townspeople by surprise. The duo is nothing like the town has ever witnessed. Violet is especially thrown for a loop when she discovers things about Prodigy that, for her are unheard of.

A Drug Called You is a cultivating, uncommon love tale about two people from two totally different walks of life. When the lives of Prodigy, a wealthy millionaire from the dangerous city of Detroit, and Violet, the feisty, inexperienced small town girl intertwine they both notice a connection that neither of them can quite understand.
A Drug Called You 2
Part one of A Drug Called You ended with Violet in a compromising position after she’s left at one of Florida’s largest night clubs. Being stranded in a big city sends Violet’s anxiety through the roof. But despite all odds being stacked against her Violet was taught to surviving, and surviving is exactly what she does. When Aspen’s deceit threatens the future of Prodigy’s relationship with Violet, she’s introduced to a side of him she never witnessed before but a side of him that she soon sees again.

Keeping his temper at bay proves challenging this time around when uncanny feelings for Violet begin to surface. As a man who clings onto control, his inability to control the way he feel about her sends Prodigy through a whirlwind of unhinged emotions. Unhinged emotions that has Violet wondering if a relationship with Prodigy is what she needs.

Part two of A Drug Called You pulls at your heart strings, sending you through a whirlwind of emotions almost identical to Prodigy’s.

A Drug Called You 3
Prodigy’s life is turned upside down when he loses the light of his life that is Violet. What stands in the way of their union is deeper than the polygamy relationship Prodigy can’t seem to step away from. He would have to face demons he’s kept buried for years in order for them to be one again.

Violet, totally oblivious to the trauma Prodigy faced at the hands of his very own mother and foster parents, believes that Prodigy’s unwillingness to change comes from a place of selfishness. Which soon proves to be the furthest thing from the truth.

Violet and Prodigy might be on the outs but Bleu and Trouble are getting closer than they’ve ever been before. There’s only one problem; Yvette is still in the mix. While Trouble couldn’t care less, Bleu does and refuses to get herself caught up in a situation similar to Violet’s. Temptation and desire is at an all time high though, making it hard for Bleu to resist the drug that is Trouble. Especially when he’s there for her when a blast from the past resurfaces.

The finale of A Drug Called You will tug at your heartstrings. Emotions are high and hearts are broken. At the end of it all, will Prodigy be able to make sacrifices in the name of love? Or will he continue to run from his past, truly losing the best thing that has ever happened to him?

Violet has her own set of issues that she needs to come to grips with too. Overcoming her obstacles proves to be challenging but ultimately she begins to see that life without love, isn’t living life at all.

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