Download A Discerning Woman by Sarah F. Noel (.ePUB)

A Discerning Woman by Sarah F. Noel (Tabitha & Wolf Historical Mystery Series Book 6)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: It seems Christmas will be anything but peaceful this year!
Tabitha and Wolf are hoping to spend a quiet Christmas at Glanwyddan Hall, the Pembroke estate in Wales. However, before they even leave London, they receive unsettling news of disturbing pranks happening on the estate. Is this just some local youthful mischief, or is something more sinister afoot? Moreover, why is the dowager countess so determined that they not cancel their visit? With the dowager guarding a secret, Tabitha and Wolf are thrust into a desperate quest to uncover the truth. As danger looms, they must navigate treacherous paths to safeguard their loved ones.

Will Tabitha and Wolf reveal the malevolent force lurking in the shadows before it’s too late?
Genre: – Historical, Mystery


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