Download A Child of Szabo by M. J. Webb (.ePUB)+

A Child of Szabo by M J Webb
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1mb
Overview: A teenage rebel with a tragic past finds herself on the edge of the abyss. Offered one final chance of redemption by an enigmatic stranger, she is recruited into a secret society of assassins formed by Winston Churchill after the Second World War. It has been operating clandestinely for years. Protecting. Hunting. Killing.

But for who?

With only a career civil servant as back-up, she unleashes hell and discovers the enemy is inside the wire. The stakes are larger than she could ever imagine but now she must battle for survival against known and unseen enemies in a do or die existence to become the best. For only then can she take out those who killed her family. Those who are now determined to kill her.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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