Download A Burger to Die For by Beth Byers, Ann Warren (.ePUB)

style=”flex-grow: 1″> A Burger to Die For by Beth Byers, Ann Warren (The To Die For Mysteries Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 522 kb
Overview: When Sam and Mia pick up their troublesome grandpa, and road-trip for an award-winning burger, they expect to find too much food, loud music, wind in their hair, and the likelihood of adding a pound or two. They don’t expect to find a dead body.

They’re quickly forced to dive into solving the crime to dig themselves out of trouble. Turns out, they’re rather good at cyber-stalking everyone who crosses their path, googling Miranda rights, and infuriating both police officers and private detectives.

Soon they’re having the time of their lives. The only question remaining is: will they survive the trouble they’ve found themselves in? Or have they had their last laugh?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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