Download A Beginner’s Guide to Kintsugi by Michihiro Hori (.ePUB)

A Beginner’s Guide to Kintsugi: The Japanese Art of Repairing Pottery and Glass by Michihiro Hori
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 21 MB
Overview: Old, broken objects can become more beautiful than ever!

The thought of throwing away a cherished dish or mug can be heartbreaking. If you’ve ever wanted to repair a treasured piece rather than tossing it in the trash–but didn’t know how–the traditional Japanese art of Kintsugi (“gold repair”) offers the perfect solution!

A Beginner’s Guide to Kintsugi teaches you the traditional Japanese techniques of pottery and glass repair based on the ancient Wabi Sabi idea that imperfections are beautiful, and visible repairs are part of the “life story” of an object.

Author Michihiro Hori provides simple, safe, and inexpensive methods that you can do at home using tools and materials that are readily available online. Hori guides you through the entire process–from assembling and mixing the materials to reconstructing replacements for hopelessly shattered shards.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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