Download 5 Books by Elizabeth Jane Howard (.ePUB)

5 Books by Elizabeth Jane Howard
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Overview: Elizabeth Jane Howard, CBE, was an English novelist. She was an actress and a model before becoming a novelist. In 1951, she won the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize for her first novel, The Beautiful Visit. Six further novels followed, before she embarked on her best known work, a four novel family saga (i.e., The Cazalet Chronicles) set in wartime Britain.
Genre: Fiction, Literary

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After Julius
It is twenty years since Julius died, but his last heroic action still affects the lives of the people he left behind. Emma, his youngest daughter, twenty-seven years old and afraid of men. Cressida, her sister, a war widow, blindly searching for love in her affairs with married men. Esme, Julius’ widow, still attractive at fifty-eight, but aimlessly lost in the routine of her perfect home. Felix, Esme’s old lover, who left her when Julius died and who is still plagued by guilt for his action. And Dan, an outsider. Throughout a disastrous — and revelatory — weekend in Sussex, the influence of the dead Julius slowly emerges.

To the delight of her many readers, Elizabeth Jane Howard has been producing prose of a subtlety, intelligence and feeling that has rarely faltered during the 50 years she has been writing. She is able to successfully straddle the disparate worlds of the popular and literary novel and this new book is among her most accomplished. Choosing a cynical and compromised first-person narrator, Howard introduces us to Henry Kent–a man looking for a woman — preferably one with a little money.

Henry, in late middle age, is living without means on a dank houseboat. Getting by on his charm is no longer feasible and when writer Daisy Langrish buys a cottage close by, he sets his sights on her. But those around Daisy — her agent, her daughter–begin to ask questions about him. And the revelations they uncover have them very worried indeed.

With a tone reminiscent of William Trevor, this is Howard at her most psychologically perceptive: her subject here is nothing less than an ambitious exploration of love, dealing in a dispassionate way with both the joys and the dangers. She demonstrates that the need to be first in someone’s affections is a seductive but risky business and her powerful rendering of human emotion has the same scalpel-like precision as The Cazalet Chronicle. Many regard the latter as Howard’s finest book, but this new volume is likely to change perceptions. Henry is fascinatingly characterised (we are allowed a nicely ambiguous attitude to him) and the slow but assured unwinding of the narrative grips with memorable force.

Odd Girl Out
Howard’s fifth novel is the story of a marriage that has lasted a decade and has settled into a comfortable and very pleasurable routine. Yet even the happiest relationship can be sabotaged easily–and quickly, too, if the wrong person should come along.

Something In Disguise
May’s second marriage to Colonel Herbert Brown-Lacey is turning out to be a terrible mistake. Her children leave home to escape the Colonel, and his behaviour is beginning to become more and more sinister. Oliver drifts from one affair to another, and Elizabeth follows him to London in search of love and security. Even Herbert’s own daughter, the shy and lonely Alice, is driven into marriage to escape from her father’s cruel behavior.

Elizabeth Jane Howard explores the personal and social interactions of this contemporary family with her customary candor and perception.

The Beautiful Visit
On the eve of an unusual voyage, a young woman reviews her life. Her story begins with a ‘beautiful visit’ to friends in the country which serves as an awakening experience. What follows is an account of her struggle to retain the mood of her visit.

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