Download 4 Short Stories (Solstice 31 Saga) by Martin Wilsey (.ePUB)

4 Short Stories (Solstice 31 Saga) by Martin Wilsey
Requirements: ePUB Reader; 342 kB | 215 kB
Overview: Martin Wilsey is a writer, hunter, photographer, rabble rouser, father, friend, marksman, story teller, frightener of children, carnivore, engineer, fool, philosopher, cook and madman. He and his wife Brenda live in Virginia where, just to keep him off the streets, he works as a research scientist for a government funded think tank.
Genre: Science Fiction


The Outer Ring
Roland Barcus was just a maintenance guy with a good job and a good salary on the deep space survey ship The Ventura. The outer ring is the 2-G level on the ship where very few people live or work. People like Barcus and his friends.
The last day of the Ventura would begin a series of events that would ultimately result in the Solstice 31 Incident.

The Black Pod
The Black Pod was designed to survive anything, even a direct strike from a nuclear bomb. It had to survive. It held the story of the demise of the Ventura. That was the Black Pod’s purpose. The hull was Polycarbon, and made of an indestructible fiber more than a meter thick. The internal power system was comprised of dual dark matter reactors, and would last 200 years without additional fuel. The internal inertial dampeners were so powerful, Chief Adams never felt the initial blast. There was no sense of the three axis spin that the Black Pod was in, as its orbit decayed. It housed the Ventura’s main data store and Central Artificial Intelligence SYstem, CAISY.

Injuring Eternity
McDonald is a Senior Research and Development Engineer, Material Sciences and Artificial Gravity Specialist. His latest project will be a force that will change history, and he doesn’t even know it. His ignorance will allow them to begin Injuring Eternity.

Oklahoma Salvage
Something strange is happening in the Oklahoma desert.
Harv Reardon is the owner of Oklahoma Salvage, an enormous graveyard for trucks, cars, planes, shuttles and space ships in various states of decay. With the help his great grand daughter Alex they help a mysterious stranger rehab a ship for space flight.
Something just doesn’t feel right to Harv and Alex.

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