Download 4 books by Natasha Deen (.ePUB)

4 books by Natasha Deen
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Overview: Award-winning author NATASHA DEEN has written everything from creative nonfiction to ya and adult fiction. She was the inaugural 2013 Regional Writer in Residence for the Metro Edmonton Library Federation. Her first book for Orca was Burned, in the Retribution series. Natasha lives in Edmonton, Alberta.
Genre: Young Adult

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Across the Floor
Luc Waldon always figured he knew what his passion was: football. He lives it, he breathes it–and he thinks he has what it takes to go all the way to the NFL. So when his football coach orders him to sign up for contemporary-dance classes to improve his game, Luc’s less than thrilled. When he realizes that dance might actually be his true passion, he faces a tough decision. Is he willing to leave behind the field and a real shot at professional sports, and disappoint his parents, his coach and his teammates, in order to pursue a new dream?

For seventeen-year-old Maggie Johnson, transitioning the dead isn’t hard. What’s tough is surviving the insults and pranks of Serge Popov, high school thug and the dumbest jock to ever set foot in Dead Falls, Alberta. When she finds him dead and later discovers his spirit trapped in her room, she figures it’s a case of divine justice. Let the jerk rot for eternity, bound to an earthly prison. But someone – or something – has a different agenda. If Maggie doesn’t help Serge cross over, she’ll die at the hands of the otherworldly entity that’s taken an interest in the dead bully. As she digs into the circumstances of Serge’s murder, she’ll uncover the secrets hidden by the world of the living and the wonders revealed by cities of the dead – if her investigation doesn’t kill her first.

Sleight of Hand
He never should have stolen that Lexus. Now it seems he will have to steal to survive.
On a dare from his girlfriend’s brother, Javvan steals a neighbor’s car. Now he’s got a criminal record and a bigger problem: get a job or violate his parole. Endless interviews later and no one will hire him because of his criminal record. Whatever happened to a second chance? Finally, he gets a gig with a contractor named Kevin, and Javvan figures his life is on an upswing. Too bad Kevin’s a thief and he’s given Javvan one choice. Help him steal, or he’ll make sure Javvan ends up back in jail.

The Cowgirl & the Stallion
A dying man’s wish, a son’s desperate struggle. To acquire the land his father always wanted, CEO Mason St. John will do anything—even lie about his identity…
From cranky cows to stormy skies, dairy farmer Aya Michaels can handle everything but her sexy new farmhand, Nate Love. His sculpted looks have her libido spinning faster than a tornado but she’s too busy fighting for her land to throw her heart to the wind. Nate’s wit and his gentle way with her son, though, hit Aya with the force of a hurricane. Coupled with his business ideas, which make the threat of Marion St. John moot, she takes a chance at love. But what will happen when she finds out who her farmhand really is?

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