Download 4 Books by Frank Herbert (.ePUB)

4 Books by Frank Herbert
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Overview: Frank Herbert was a critically acclaimed and commercially successful American science fiction author.
He is best known for the novel Dune and its five sequels. The Dune saga, set in the distant future and taking place over millennia, dealt with themes such as human survival and evolution, ecology, and the intersection of religion, politics, and power, and is widely considered to be among the classics in the field of science fiction.
He was the father of fellow author Brian Herbert.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Direct Descent
Earth has become a library planet for thousands of years, a bastion of both useful and useless knowledge—esoterica of all types, history, science, politics—gathered by teams of “pack rats” who scour the galaxy for any scrap of information. Knowledge is power, knowledge is wealth, and knowledge can be a weapon. As powerful dictators come and go over the course of history, the cadre of dedicated librarians is sworn to obey the lawful government . . . and use their wits to protect the treasure trove of knowledge they have collected over the millennia.

The Dragon in the Sea
Twenty subtugs had been lost attempting to bring back oil from the undersea fields on the enemy’s borders. A brilliant psychologist-electronics expert is planted in the crew of the subtug Ram to discover the reason. And the reason becomes terrifying reality when, miles deep in the ocean, the minds of the crew begin to crack…

The Eyes of Heisenberg
A New World in Embryo
Public Law 10927 was clear and direct. Parents were permitted to watch the genetic alterations of their gametes by skilled surgeons . . . only no one ever requested it.
When Lizbeth and Harvey Durant decided to invoke the Law; when Dr. Potter did not rearrange the most unusual genetic structure of their future son, barely an embryo growing in the State’s special vat-the consequences of these decisions threatened to be catastrophic.
For never before had anyone dared defy the Rulers’ decrees . . . and if They found out, it was well known that the price of disobedience was the extermination of the human race . . .

The Heaven Makers
Earth has unseen alien overlords who tune into its inhabitants’ lives in order to provide their species with entertainment. These artists and producers are not above helping things along by promoting dramatic events that make for good viewing. Their authorities suspect that the rules are not being followed and dispatch a series of investigators who all come up empty. The latest investigator arrives and is made an offer he can’t refuse. Or can he?

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