Download 3 Novels by Paige Tyler (.ePUB)

3 Novels by Paige Tyler
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 339 Kb
Overview: Paige Tyler is a full-time, multi-published, award-winning writer of erotic romance. She and her research assistant (otherwise known as her husband!) live on the beautiful Florida coast with their easy going dog and their lazy, I-refuse-to-get-off-the-couch-for-anything-but-food cat. When not working on her latest book, Paige enjoys reading, jogging, doing Pilates, going to the beach, watching Pro football, and vacationing with her husband at Disney. She loves writing about strong, sexy, alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them.
Genre: Erotic Romance Suspense

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Samantha And The Detective: When reporter Samantha Halliwell interferes in his murder investigation, Detective Hayden Tanner threatens to give her what she deserves – a sound spanking. Despite the warning – or because of it – she continues. Soon Sam finds out how serious Tanner is, and how serious her risky behavior is when she finds herself in real danger..

Spank Me, Maybe: Bree knows better than to read some one else’s private email. She really didn’t mean to do it – but just as she was about to close her roommate’s browser, an odd sentence caught her attention.
Poor girl! After a paddling like that, I’m surprised you can even sit down.
It was so startling… she just had to read the rest! And that’s all it took. She was hooked. Now all she can think about is what it would be like to be spanked!
She doesn’t know how to get her boyfriend to do it, though. She can’t just ask him. What if he’s offended – what if he breaks up with her over it? How can she find out if he’d be interested, without coming right out and saying anything?
Bree finally confides in her roommate and enlists her help. Together, they come up with several schemes they hope will get Bree the spanking she desires. One of their ideas should work! After all, getting her boyfriend to spank her should be simple, right?

Nosy By Nature: Daphne Sullivan can’t seem to keep her nose out of other people’s business and it has been known to get her into hot water. So, she makes a solemn promise to her husband, Zak, to end her nosy behavior once and for all. He takes her at a word and makes a promise of his own � the next time she puts her nose where it doesn’t belong, he’s going to put her over his knee for a discipline spanking the likes of which she’s never had before. Daphne certainly loves a good erotic spanking, but the thought of a getting hard discipline spanking is more than enough to help her keep her word.
Until the new neighbors move in. They’re mysterious and closed-mouth, and Daphne has no doubt that they’re hiding something. The urge to find out what it is, is almost overpowering, though. But she knows what will happen if she snoops again.
Can she really overcome her nature, though< If she can’t, it might lead to more than just a series of hard spankings. It might just endanger her life.

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