Download 3 Books by Carla de Guzman (.ePUB)

3 Books by Carla de Guzman
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Overview: Author, occasional illustrator, full-time traveler. Carla believes that every romance has to have a happily ever after. For her, there is always something new to share with the world through her art and her writing. She believes that every person needs a safe space, and she hopes her books provide that for her readers. She also loves pain au chocolat, and is on a quest to see as many Manet paintings as she can.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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Chasing Mindy Mindy and Javier are not friends, okay. Despite their mothers’ matchmaking, they’ve managed to stay out of each other’s way. Until Mindy goes to Paris for a week, and her mother insists she meet up with Javier. He’s in Paris to study, really looking forward to see you, she says. Watch over each other.

No thanks. Javier is taciturn and boring, Mindy is dramatic and has a tendency to yell at things when her eight siblings are brought up. It’s not a great combination.

But things start to look a little different under the Paris lights, and what felt like hate feels a lot closer to love.

How She Likes It CEO-in-training, heiress and cosmetics company marvel Isabel Alfonso needs to hire an assistant. She needs to hire someone who is smart and competent to arrange a trip to Shanghai for her to meet with potential business partners. She needs to learn how to let go of her cosmetics company, in order to take on the CEO role she’s been groomed for her entire life. What she does not need to hire is a young single dad, last seen with her in bed as a one night stand.

Falling for Adam Sevilla is a complication that Isabel doesn’t need.

And with so much on the line, she can’t afford to make any mistakes. Her choices are clear; head the family business and leave her company behind, or keep her business at the risk of losing everything. Isabel’s always been smart. She’ll figure it out. Right?

Stealing Luna Cora Justa Dumagat has had enough. She is tired of watching the corrupt, fat cats of the council override the monarchy and risk the people’s lives in exchange for a payday. Despite advice from her Queen, Cora has decided to take matters into her own hands and hit the Joaquins where it hurts—to steal their precious Juan Luna painting right from under their noses in Barcelona.

The job shouldn’t be too difficult. If only Luis Ang, her ex-boyfriend, wasn’t hired to be her bodyguard.

Luis knows that Cora is up to something, and will stop at nothing to make sure she’s safe, even at the cost of Cora’s plans.

As Luis and Cora become more and more deeply entangled into each other, the more dangerous the situation becomes. Will Cora have her revenge? Or will stealing Luna be the last thing she ever does?

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