Download 3 Books by Angel Propps (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

3 Books by Angel Propps
Requirements: .ePUB/.MOBI Reader, 2.8MB
Overview: Angel Propps is a very busy freelance writer, and an author of YA novels and romance under several different names. She pens horror and erotica when the mood (infrequently) strikes her.
Angel has recently undergone some life altering changes in her thinking and ideas, which promises to make for very good writing!
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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Going the Greatest Distance: Lisa’s workaholic personality and the stress of her job as an editor at a large publishing company drove a wedge between her and her longtime lover and ended their relationship. Just as her lover agrees to sit down and try to work things out Lisa is offered the biggest opportunity of her entire career: the chance to talk to Clair St. Sabre, a bestselling writer who shut herself away on a deserted island with a reputation for being haunted.
Lisa arrives at the island determined to talk to Clair, win her confidence, and bring a new novel back to the city with her, and all in time to make her date. But Clair has her own reasons for inviting someone out to her secluded and eerie haven, including her lover Moira, who died over a hundred years before.

In the Garden of Eve: On a wet, icy, miserable day, on her way to a lunch meeting, Christy briefly encounters a beautiful woman she can’t forget—the first person to inspire her after months of fearing she would never paint again. Soon after, she meets Rachel, her gorgeous new neighbor and a writer. Rachel is also a woman with a secret, one that involves Christy’s new inspiration and may very well prove deadly…

Making Your Own Satisfaction: Customer service sucks on a good day, and even a hot, butch dyke only improves Jewel’s day so far when the woman is more interested in yelling than flirting. When the woman returns the next day, Jewel attempts to score a date, but in the process winds up fired.
Jewel is pretty sure that life could be worse than balancing dating and job-hunting. She’s absolutely certain she doesn’t want to know how.

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