Download 2 Novels by Sara Marx (.ePUB)

2 Novels by Sara Marx
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 532 KB
Overview: Sara Marx begged for her start in radio, lying about her age and qualifications, and ended up on air that night. She has since appeared in TV commercials and infomercials and radio voice over work. Her radio career spanned 15 years.
Genre: Fiction, FF Mystery

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Before I Died
Laney Cavallo had a charmed life. Two wonderful kids and the love of the best woman she’d ever known—after years of unhappiness, she had it all. Past tense. The one evil in her life she couldn’t shed finally did his worst: after years of blackmailing her into silence, her power-drunk ex-husband has made her silence permanent. Now she can’t tell the world about the dangers of the pesticide he’s unleashing on an unsuspecting planet. And further breaking her heart, she can’t warn her beloved Mara that he plans to come after her next, and even the kids aren’t safe. Unfinished business, undying love and the burden of her own complicity in this evil plot drive Laney to take action, hoping it’s not too late to save the people she loves. It would be easier if she weren’t already dead…

Shay Cooper was good at her job. As an FBI agent she broke criminals until they broke her. Recovery seems unlikely until her mentor proposes she return to work at the training academy near her hometown of Chicago. Life in slow lane definitely appeals, but her contentment lasts only until she meets the academy’s biggest challenge: Agent Kate Harris. Kate Harris has made her mistakes and carries her own secrets. Her former partner—a brilliant profiler and author of crime thrillers blockbusters has disappeared. She’s determined to find him, orders for more training be damned. The horror she uncovers collides with Shay’s own nightmarish past. The only thing they agree on is that they can’t trust anyone, not even each other.

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