Download 2-in-1: My Strength, My Power, & Rhea 41070 by Linda Mooney (.PDF)

2-in-1; My Strength, My Power, My Love & Rhea 41070 by Linda Mooney
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.71 MB
Overview: Linda loves to write sensuously erotic romance with a fantasy, paranormal, or science fiction flair. Her technique is often described as being as visual as a motion picture or graphic novel.

A wife, mother, and retired Kindergarten and music teacher, she lives in a small south Texas town near the Gulf coast where she delves into other worlds filled with daring exploits, adventure, and intense love.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Romance > Paranormal


My Strength, My Power, My Love:
Once in every one million births, a child is born on Bellac with the Synergistic gene. These children are taken from their parents and prepared for the day when they will find their Synergistic other half. For when that happens, an entirely new power is created—a power ready to protect and defend their home world.

Grey Dansis is a Synergian ready to find the male who will become her life-long partner. Unfortunately Grey has secretly harbored a longing for Rowe Maine. But the man is five years her senior and an Unmatched Synergian who has lost his chance to become one of the rare few empowered union mates.

When their world is attacked by marauders, Grey has no idea that Rowe is her fated other half. Or that the power that could come from their union would be the only force strong enough to save Bellac from complete annihilation.
They may never know because the law won’t even let them touch.

Rhea 41070:
Bock Gammon was a freedom runner. A man with a spaceship for hire. He had heard of Replacements and knew they existed, but he had never personally come across one. In fact, he found the whole idea repugnant—growing a living being specifically for the purpose of harvesting body parts. So did the governments in many of the galaxies who declared Replacements illegal.
Which was why he was stunned to discover his latest assignment was to bring a Replacement to one of the wealthiest men in the Chatta Dul system. If he hadn’t so desperately needed the money, he wouldn’t have accepted the job.
It didn’t take long for Bock to realize that Rhea 41070 wasn’t just one-of-a-kind; she was also unlike any woman he had ever met. And the closer they got to the point of delivery, the more he knew he couldn’t walk away and leave her behind to be dissected. He had to somehow find a way to save her, despite the odds and hundreds of well-armed men awaiting their return.

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