Download 2 Historical Novels by Geoffrey Household (.ePUB)

Two Historical Novels by Geoffrey Household
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.8mb
Overview: Geoffrey Household (1900 – 1988). Born in Bristol in 1900 and educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, Geoffrey Household worked all over the world, including Eastern Europe, the US, the Middle East and South America, as, among other things, a banker, a salesman and an encyclopedia writer. He served in British intelligence in World War 2. His other works include A Rough Shoot, Watcher in the Shadows, Rogue Justice and an autobiography, Against the Wind. He died in 1988.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics > Historical Novels


Prisoner of the Indies
A young English boy stranded on the far side of the ocean must survive Indians and enemies in the perilous New World
Miles Philips is but a lad of thirteen when he sets sail aboard the Jesus of Lubeck from Plymouth on the second day of October, 1567. An eager youth willing to learn, he is ready to be of service to Mr. John Hawkins, renowned privateer, adventurer, transporter of African slaves, and general of the fleet of six vessels. But treachery and ambush await them across the ocean in New Spain, and Miles watches in horror as the ship dies bravely in battle at San Juan de Ulua. Forced to make a choice between almost-certain starvation aboard the lone, crippled vessel and taking his chances on land, Miles chooses the latter—setting out on an extraordinary adventure that will test his courage and his wiles as he attempts to find his way back home.
Based firmly in history, Geoffrey Household’s classic adventure brings a XVI century…

The Exploits of Xenophon
Thousands of miles from home, one soldier leads an army to safety
The war with Sparta is over, and Athens is at peace for the first time in thirty years. Their Greek enemies subdued, the generals of Athens turn their eyes to the East, where the Persian Empire stretches to the edge of the known world. Never before have Greek soldiers marched into Persia. Xenophon will be among the first. A warrior whose bravery is matched only by his intelligence, Xenophon is a natural leader. When his army of ten thousand men is stranded far from home, it is up to him to lead them back to Greece without sacrificing the principles of democracy that they hold so dear.
A retelling of Xenophon’s classic Anabasis, this is a thrilling tale of bravery and survival, in which the mind is as valuable a weapon as the sword.

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